Wednesday, April 21, 2010


RiverPines describes its championship course on its website by this statement: Created by nature and enhanced by man, RiverPines is sure to test all levels of golfers. Challenging as it is it does not provide an enjoyable round of golf for a reasonable price. I did not like RiverPines at all. It was just not a fun course. After the first hill down from the club house the course is basically on flat land with all the holes just thrown in. It took me six hours to play my round costing twice what i usually play on a course i hated, which was also about an hour away from my house.

The first hole was okay. You hit a blind tee shot which had a very cool feature, a television set, inside a box with a live video of the fairway. a large line was cut in the picture and you could only tee off once the group passed the line. The second hole was a boring, flat par four. You really couldn't see anything on this hole so you weren't sure where to aim making it all the more frustrating. Three was a decent par three because of the chatahoochee river playing along side it but it never came in to play. Four was just absurd. It was a par four that required a 175 yard carry to the fairway, all played over water. Not fun, not good design, just difficult. Five was a very long down hill par three. Then two similar par fours both with water. Eight was a good par five uphill. Nine was another good hole, a short par four that can be reached in one if you can clear the trees fronting the green as the hole curves to the left. Ten was the best on the course a beautiful down hill hole that curves to the right. Second shot must carry a small creek.

After that came two par fours to the Thirteen. Thirteen was an extremely difficult par four with a lake that every drive seems to land in. Unless you hit the best drive of your life you are hitting three from the drop zone 235 yards out. Have fun with that up and down.

Fourteen, boring par three. Fifteen was a fun hole with a very unique long green under the shade of near by trees. Sixteen was a down hill par three with the river behind it. Best par three on the course. Seventeen was an interesting dogleg right par five with a lake to the right of the fairway. I found you could decrease the length of the hole by hitting your drive near a small maintenance house on the left side of the lake. Eighteen was a hilly par four that required an up hill tee shot to a down will hole.

I might have been to hard on this course because i played horribly while i was there. I never play well when i have to play with strangers, which i was forced to do to speed play up, which was already painfully slow. The practice facilities were superb and the food was the best at any course I've played. And i liked the par three course, something i wished my home course (City Club Marietta) had. I think par threes are the most fun part of the round. Any time you get to be out playing golf is good no matter the course, but sorry RiverPines, don't expect my business anytime soon.

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