Wednesday, April 21, 2010


RiverPines describes its championship course on its website by this statement: Created by nature and enhanced by man, RiverPines is sure to test all levels of golfers. Challenging as it is it does not provide an enjoyable round of golf for a reasonable price. I did not like RiverPines at all. It was just not a fun course. After the first hill down from the club house the course is basically on flat land with all the holes just thrown in. It took me six hours to play my round costing twice what i usually play on a course i hated, which was also about an hour away from my house.

The first hole was okay. You hit a blind tee shot which had a very cool feature, a television set, inside a box with a live video of the fairway. a large line was cut in the picture and you could only tee off once the group passed the line. The second hole was a boring, flat par four. You really couldn't see anything on this hole so you weren't sure where to aim making it all the more frustrating. Three was a decent par three because of the chatahoochee river playing along side it but it never came in to play. Four was just absurd. It was a par four that required a 175 yard carry to the fairway, all played over water. Not fun, not good design, just difficult. Five was a very long down hill par three. Then two similar par fours both with water. Eight was a good par five uphill. Nine was another good hole, a short par four that can be reached in one if you can clear the trees fronting the green as the hole curves to the left. Ten was the best on the course a beautiful down hill hole that curves to the right. Second shot must carry a small creek.

After that came two par fours to the Thirteen. Thirteen was an extremely difficult par four with a lake that every drive seems to land in. Unless you hit the best drive of your life you are hitting three from the drop zone 235 yards out. Have fun with that up and down.

Fourteen, boring par three. Fifteen was a fun hole with a very unique long green under the shade of near by trees. Sixteen was a down hill par three with the river behind it. Best par three on the course. Seventeen was an interesting dogleg right par five with a lake to the right of the fairway. I found you could decrease the length of the hole by hitting your drive near a small maintenance house on the left side of the lake. Eighteen was a hilly par four that required an up hill tee shot to a down will hole.

I might have been to hard on this course because i played horribly while i was there. I never play well when i have to play with strangers, which i was forced to do to speed play up, which was already painfully slow. The practice facilities were superb and the food was the best at any course I've played. And i liked the par three course, something i wished my home course (City Club Marietta) had. I think par threes are the most fun part of the round. Any time you get to be out playing golf is good no matter the course, but sorry RiverPines, don't expect my business anytime soon.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marietta Country Club

Marietta Country Club in Kennesaw is a fantastic course. The Club has twenty seven holes divided in to three nines; Mountainview, Lakeview, and Overlook. The main course is Mountain and Lakeview and Overlook is an extra nine holes across the street from the club. I have only played the Mountainview and Overlook, as the Lakeview nine is allways full.

This course starts after a short walk through a tunnel under the road to the first tee. I liked the sign that is put in front of each starting hole which has the course and a clock so people know if its their turn to tee off. The first hole is a wide par five that goes down hill to a very challenging peninsula green. This is the kind of hole where if you think to hard about it you will find trouble. Two is fun short par four with a large drop off to the right side of the fairway and a large hill to the left. After two comes the hardest hole on the course. Although it is short this hole is impossible if your drive goes to the right. a line of trees creeps in front of the green on the right side. A creek is in front of the green and the lake comes in to play to the right.

After the third come back to back par threes. The par threes are okay, but i really think they could have done a better job. They are right next to each other, but in opposite directions. The sixth hole is my personal favorite, an easier version of TPC Sawgrass #17 with a lake down the entire right side. It is a good risk reward hole as the green is drivable for certain people depending on their ability and tee box. The train that runs parallel to the fairway can get a little noisy as my friend Nick can tell you. (Lost about eleven balls to the lake while trying to blockout the constant roar of the train.) (Note photo is taken from the lake on the left side of the hole)

Seven i don't like. A very very long hole that play uphill the entire way. I don't like par fives already since i am not a long or consistent enough player to reach the green so when the hole is harder than average it had better be fun. Which this hole isn't. Eight and nine are fun, short par fours and are good ways to finish your round with a low score.


The first hole is a pretty ordinary par four. I did like the trees along side this hole which will catch inaccurate drives. Two is a long par three with a tricky green and a water hazard that doesn't look in play but will catch some long tee shots. Three is a terrific hole that turns sharply on the second shot, over a river to a long but thin green. Four is a gigantic par four with some fun mounds that surround the large green. I have a rule about par threes. If you need a driver it is too long. This hole is barely to short to fall in this category. Five and six are back to back par fours that are right next to each other but run opposite directions, first downhill, the second uphill. Seven is a great downhill hole that has an interesting set of 'challenge tees' the tee box is red (red is normally reserved for the ladies tees which are green at this course)and is in beetween the blue and gold tee box. I am not sure what the purpose of these are but are fun. The hole is long but plays short because of the decline.

Eight is an extremely challenging par five that plays uphill. I enjoy this hole because it is very pleasing to the eyes. The landscape is the best on the course. Nine is my favorite hole that looks very long but the approach to the green is never more than a short iron. There is a large pond in front of the hole that is rather intimidating, which makes a green in regulation all the more rewarding

I really like this course and i hope i get to play all twenty-seven one day. I am very thankful to be invited to play here multiple times by my friend Nick. The driving range is terrific with the best chipping green I've ever seen. The course is always well maintained. Can get a little crowded, but nothing that isn't seen at other courses. Is it better than the Country Club's former location the City Club? That is hard to say but my answer would be that they are different. The Country Club is certainly nicer but the City Club is better value. Still the Country Club is the nicest course I've played.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Minnewaska Golf Club

To understand this next course one must first understand Pope County Minnesota. My mom spent her childhood summers on silver beach road on Lake Minnewaska. Lake Minnewaska is home to the cities of Glenwood (population 2,000)and Starbuck (population 500). Each year we continue this tradition by driving 2,000 miles round trip to Lake Minnewaska

Minnewaska Golf Club is situated on a very high hill with an excellent view of the lake. The course is main focus around fun and thats exactly what you get. The course is easy, but isn't a pushover. The back nine is unusual with three par threes, three par fours and three par fives as opposed to the standard 2-5-2 layout. An interesting hole is the par four eighth. This hole requires a long and accurate tee shot. Two trees are in the middle of the fair way. end up on the left of them and you have slim chances at par. The fairway slopes to the left making it important to hit a good shot. The green is protected by a large waste area in the front. Twelve is an interesting design as the hole plays a little like a roller coaster first going uphill, then back down, then back up to the green. Sixteen is a dogleg right with a small lake to the left of the fairway. While playing this summer i hit a shot and i was sure it was going in the water, the ball skipped of the surface and rolled on to the fairway. The approach shot is difficult as there are over hanging trees and a creek fronting the green.

There really isn't much to say about this course. Its pretty simple much like the town its in. The Lakers golf team practices there and has won the state title four years in a row. The practice facilities are tremendous. Range balls are included in the green fee, something all courses should do. There are three practice greens, one in between the first and tenth tee box while you wait to start your round. Aside from the funny smell in the pro-shop this course is one of my favorites.

Vasari Country Club

Vasari Country Club is located in Bonita Springs Florida, and is home to my grand parents June and Bob. I was fortunate enough to play 36 holes here during spring break in 2010 (Although i had to play the front nine three times). To be honest the course really wears you out. There is a water hazard on every hole. A common trend of the course was to have a small hazard near the tee box to snatch up a topped drive, then another starting a hundred yards from the hole running parallel with the fairway, until it fronts part of the green. The grass was very different then what i was used to in Georgia, making chipping very difficult. Just a note, i feel like the illustrations from the website really exaggerate the water hazards on the course. The first hole is a long par four with one of the coolest bunkers alongside the green. The bunker actually borders the water hazard, something I've always thought would be cool. However, i never ended up in it, a good and bad thing.

I hated the second hole. An unnecessarily long hole it was boring and difficult. The hole could very well ruin someone's round (As it did mine) with double digits, on only the second hole. Three and Four are fun, easy par fours followed by the par three fifth. I thought this hole was very good, because it the hole could change drastically according to the pin placement

Six is another par four with the double water hazard feature and a very difficult putting surface. Seven is a unique par three with water to the front and the right that should not come in play from the forward tees. Eight is a straight forward par five. The ninth hole is the best on the course, and slightly resembles the eighteenth hole at Doral. There is not much trouble to be found on the hole as you would expect. Unless you get to greedy and try to drive the green, a three iron off the tee should still leave a wedge to the large green.

Ten was another par four, with water. It began to get repetitive at this point and it didn't stop at this hole. As much as i liked the course this part got really old. Funny story on ten, I misheard my grandpa and thought he told me the best way to hit my drive on this hole was to aim for the bunker. As you can clearly see in the picture that is probably the worst place to hit your drive. I got an eight.

Eleven was another par four with two hazards. Twelve was a fun dogleg left par four with the entire left side surrounded by water. The green was a "Half Island Green"
Thirteen was a fun par three. Followed by the par four fourteenth with, you guessed it, two water hazards. Fifteen and sixteen were back to back par fives. Seventeen was the fourth par three and the hardest. Eighteen was similar to nine, with less water coming in to play. An easy finish to a brutal back nine.

The lack of elevation change and difficulty make this course more difficult to enjoy, but I had fun none the less. It does get annoying to lose a ball and have a penalty stroke on every hole, but when that happens you can quit worrying about your score and have fun. The driving range was very unique. The range balls were designed to float and you hit your balls into a lake. I also enjoyed that the employees washed your clubs for you after your round, something I've never seen before. Overall a good course, however i would not like it to be my home course.

City Club Marietta

This course is located right off the Marietta Square in downtown Marietta. Formerly the Marietta Country Club, it was acquired by the City of Marietta in 1991, while the Country Club relocated to near-by Kennesaw. The course is shorter than average measuring 5,800 yards, par 71. The course is built on hilly terrain which makes up for it's lack of length. The first hole is a very difficult par four that goes drastically down-hill away from the club house. A long drive is essential to get to the bottom of the hill for a second shot to an elevated green that cannot be left short.

After the first hole the player gets a break with a very short par four and an easy par three. The first par five comes at the fourth hole. The player hits their drive alongside a very tall water tower. The drive must be far, as the hole curves to the right. The next shot has the greatest change in elevation on the entire course, making the distance to the hole considerably less. This hole demands accuracy more than any other as the fairways are guarded by thick trees. The next two holes are challenging par fours that lead too the par three seventh. The green cannot be seen from the tee as it plays up hill to a figure eight shaped green. The sloping terrain near the green cause trouble if shots are missed left or right. A side note, I was fortunate enough to have my first hole in one on this hole in October 2009.

The eighth is the hardest hole on the course, a 528 yard dog-leg left par five, and the first of five holes with water hazards. The ninth hole is my least favorite on the course. It is straight up hill which makes it impossible to hit a good drive. The yardage of 341 actually plays like 420 which make it to long to be a par 4, but to short to be a par five. I would try to level the ground to make less of a slope and move the tee boxes up. After the first nine holes is complete the player starts the back with my favorite hole in all of golf. The par four, 332 yard tenth hole is the most fun hole on the course. From the tee you have a view of the entire course, and in the distance Kennesaw Mountain. The tee shot plays down a large hill to a very large landing area. The farther to the left you hit your shot the closer to the hole you will be. Two bunkers guard the small green. This hole looks easy but the small green makes a bogie a good score.

The eleventh is another fantastic hole. The tee shot requires a forced carry over a lake. Then the short second shot is to an elevated green that is very long. The small bunkers to the right of the green rarely come in to play. The twelfth hole is the longest par three on the course at 162 yards. It is played over a lake to a green backed up by a large hill.

Thirteen is an uneventful par four followed by the par five fourteenth. As much as I hate the ninth hole, this is another bad hole. It is simply unfair. The drive is relatively straight, then you hit a blind second shot towards a lake where the hole curves sharply left to the green. On the second shot you only have a landing area of about forty yards, to far and you’re in the lake, to short and the trees block your path to the hole, making it impossible to get a good score. Fifteen and Sixteen are simple, short par fours, followed by a pretty boring short par three. The Eighteenth and final hole is a par four with a banked fairway that causes balls to roll to the right. A tree blocks your tee shot on the right side so it is good to aim to the left. The second shot is played up hill to one of the largest greens on the course.

And that’s the City Club Marietta. Surrounding neighborhoods can be a little noisy as well as traffic from the near by airport. Slow play by inexperienced golfers can be a bit of a hassle, but it is only crowed on the weekends. The course maintenance is average, what you would expect from a public course. Driving range and putting greens are average and the food is a little over priced. But, overall, the best public course in Cobb County.